
Understanding Containment Rate: A Key Metric for Measuring AI Chatbot Success

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Ayman Baig

Did you know that over 80% of customer service chats are now handled by chatbots and AI agents? This fact shows how vital it is to measure these automated systems well. Companies have used Containment Rate to check their chatbots and virtual assistants for years. But is this metric really telling the whole story?

In this article, we'll explore Containment Rate deeply. We'll look at what it means, its limits, and why it might not be the best way to judge your chatbot's success. We'll also introduce Flow Success, a new metric that gives a fuller picture of your chatbot's effectiveness. By the end, you'll know the main metrics that really count in AI-driven customer service.

Key Takeaways

  • Containment Rate measures how often customer chats don't go to a human, but it doesn't mean the issue was solved.
  • Its focus is too narrow and doesn't fully capture the customer's experience.
  • Flow Success looks at how well a chatbot guides the customer and solves their problem.
  • It's important to balance Containment and Flow Success for the best customer experience and chatbot engagement.
  • Other important chatbot metrics include First Contact Resolution, Customer Satisfaction (CSAT), and Automated Resolution Rate.

What is Containment Rate?

The chatbot containment rate is a key way to measure AI chatbot success. It's the percentage of users who talk to a chatbot and then don't ask for a human. The idea is, if a user doesn't ask for a human, the chatbot solved their problem.

But, this thinking has a big flaw. It doesn't check if the problem was really solved. Users might leave without getting help or the chatbot couldn't fix the issue. This shows why the chatbot containment rate isn't a full measure of automated systems, IVR, and customer interactions.

Definition and Importance

Containment rate is vital for companies using chatbots for customer service. It shows how well the chatbot handles user queries on its own. A high rate means the chatbot is doing well and helping customer service teams.

"Containment rate is a key metric for measuring the success of AI chatbots, but it's important to understand its limitations and the need for a more holistic approach to chatbot analytics."

But, a high rate doesn't always mean the chatbot is solving customer problems. We need to look closer to understand what this metric really shows about the chatbot containment rate.

Limitations of Containment Rate

The chatbot containment rate is often seen as a key way to measure AI chatbot success. But, it has big limitations that make it less trustworthy for checking customer happiness and solving problems.

This metric doesn't count times when a customer leaves without their issue fixed. They might leave for urgent matters or because the chatbot couldn't solve their problem. This means the chatbot containment rate might show success even if the customer was unhappy.

This gap between the metric and real customer outcomes is a big problem. Relying only on chatbot containment rate misses important parts of the customer's experience. It doesn't show if customers are really happy or if their problems were solved.

Putting too much focus on chatbot containment rate can miss important parts of the customer's journey. We need to look at more detailed ways to see how our AI chatbots really help customers.

Chatbot containment rate: A Flawed Metric

Businesses aim to improve customer experience by using the chatbot containment rate to measure success. But, this metric doesn't fully show how satisfied customers are or their journey.

A high chatbot containment rate might mean cost savings for the company. Yet, it can be frustrating for customers. They might have to go through many steps to solve their issue. Or, they must log in before getting the help they need, which could be avoided.

These situations show "bad containment." The chatbot's success is counted high, but it hurts the customer's lifetime value and satisfaction. So, the high chatbot containment rate doesn't really show how well the customer is treated.

"The chatbot containment rate is a flawed metric because it doesn't take into account the overall customer experience and satisfaction. A high containment rate may save the company money, but it can also lead to significant customer frustration"

Companies should look beyond the chatbot containment rate to improve customer support. By focusing on the customer's journey and satisfaction, businesses can make the most of AI in customer support. This approach helps increase the customer lifetime value.

The Rise of Flow Success

At The Automation Company, we look at a key metric called Flow Success to check how well a chatbot works. Flow Success means how many times a chatbot solves a customer's problem without needing a human. This shift from Containment Rate to Flow Success helps us spot where the chatbot might be frustrating customers.

Understanding Flow Success

Flow Success shows if a chatbot really solves problems well. It opens up chances to make the chatbot better at giving a great customer experience. This metric looks at how well the digital agent solves issues, not just how many it can handle.

Benefits of Measuring Flow Success

Putting Flow Success first over Containment Rate gives businesses important insights. These insights help save money and make chatbot solutions better. This way, customers get the info they need, which makes them happier and builds stronger relationships over time.

Optimizing for Flow Success

The traditional way of measuring success often misses the mark. Instead, we suggest focusing on flow success. This approach looks at how well a user can finish their task or reach their goal.

For instance, we looked at a US cable company's virtual assistant. We found a big gap between how well it contained and helped customers with billing issues. Customers often got stuck in the bot without getting the bill info they wanted.

Customers got upset because they had to give the bot too much info. We suggested the company make things simpler. This led to better bot optimization and higher flow success.

"Optimizing for flow success means creating a chatbot experience that truly puts the user first, streamlining the interaction to help them achieve their goals as efficiently and painlessly as possible."

By focusing on flow success, you can make the user experience better. This might mean making the chat simpler, cutting out extra steps, or giving more personalized answers. It's important to keep checking and improving the chatbot based on what users say.

The main aim is to help customers reach their goals, not just keep them talking to the bot. By focusing on flow success, you can make your chatbot work better. This leads to a top-notch customer experience that helps your business grow.

Balancing Containment and Flow Success

Organizations that focus on Flow Success over Containment can give customers a better experience. But, this doesn't always match the old Containment rate metrics. Improving "good containment" and cutting "bad containment" doesn't always mean a higher Containment rate.

By making the customer experience better online, we can get more clients to use digital channels for their needs. As more people use digital, companies can gain unique benefits like handling more chats with fewer digital agents. This can lead to cost savings for the company.

Trade-offs and Considerations

When balancing Containment and Flow Success, companies must think about the trade-offs. Improving the digital experience might lower Containment rates. But, it can make for a better customer experience. The goal is to find a balance that keeps both Containment and Flow Success high.

"The future of customer service lies in striking the right balance between Containment and Flow Success. By focusing on the digital experience, we can unlock new opportunities to delight our customers while driving operational efficiency."

As we find this balance, it's key to check and improve our chatbot strategies often. We aim for the best customer experience while keeping a good containment rate and boosting flow success.

Beyond Containment: Key Chatbot Metrics

At The Automation Company, we know that measuring chatbot success is more than just the containment rate. This metric is important, but it doesn't show everything about how well the bot works or affects customers.

First Contact Resolution

We really focus on the first contact resolution rate. This tells us how well our chatbots solve customer problems right away, without needing a human to help. Making our bots better at this means happier customers, less work for our teams, and a better customer experience.

Customer Satisfaction (CSAT)

Tracking customer satisfaction (CSAT) is also key for us. CSAT looks at how well our chatbots solve problems, not just if they don't escalate issues. By watching CSAT, we learn how our chatbots are doing from the customer's point of view. This helps us make smart choices to keep improving the customer experience.

"Measuring the right metrics, such as first contact resolution and customer satisfaction, can provide a more comprehensive view of our chatbots' performance and their impact on the overall customer journey."

The Future of Chatbot Analytics

The world of customer service automation is changing fast. We're seeing big steps forward in AI and natural language processing. These changes are making chatbots smarter and better at talking with users. This means they can have more meaningful conversations and help users in new ways.

Chatbots have changed a lot in just a few years. Now, they use generative AI to understand and talk like humans. They can adjust to what each user needs. As companies use these tools more, we need to think about how well they work and what they can do.

Advancements in AI and NLP

Big leaps in AI advancements and natural language processing are changing chatbot analytics. Chatbots can now tackle harder questions and give more tailored help. They can even solve problems in creative ways. This means we need new ways to measure how well they're doing and where they can get better.

"As we push the boundaries of what chatbots can do, it's essential that we develop sophisticated metrics to truly capture their impact and ensure they're serving the needs of our customers."

By keeping up with new chatbot analytics, businesses can make the most of these powerful tools. They can give customers amazing experiences that lead to real results.

Chatbot containment rate: Metrics to Avoid

Many businesses use AI chatbots to improve customer experience and save costs. But, the chatbot containment rate metric can be misleading. It might make bots seem more successful than they really are and hide how frustrated customers are.

Up to 20% of times when a chatbot "contains" a ticket, the customer just gave up. They didn't get help from the chatbot. Focusing too much on this metric can hurt the customer experience. Customers might stop talking to the chatbot if they find the conversation hard or if the chatbot can't solve their problems.

"Containment rate is a problematic metric that can actually be 'downright deceptive,' as it inflates bot performance and exposes the extent of customer frustration."

Businesses should look at other metrics instead of just the chatbot containment rate. They should focus on customer experience and cost savings. Metrics like first contact resolution, customer satisfaction (CSAT), and automated resolution rate (AR%) give a clearer picture of how well chatbots work and their effect on customers.

By using these better metrics, companies can make smart choices about their chatbot plans. They can improve customer experience and save money. This way, they avoid the pitfalls of the misleading chatbot containment rate.


The customer service world is changing fast, with AI chatbots becoming key to smooth experiences. We need to move past old metrics like containment rate. Instead, we should focus on how well chatbots solve customer problems and improve their experience.

Using metrics like Flow Success and Automated Resolution Rate helps businesses make their chatbots better. This way, they can offer top-notch service and use AI to support customers well. As we explore more with chatbot technology, the future of customer service looks bright.

At The Automation Company, we aim to help businesses use AI and automation for better customer service. With the latest in natural language processing and machine learning, we can make chatbots that solve problems and connect with customers deeply. Let's push the limits of chatbot analytics and customer experience together.


What is Containment Rate?

Containment Rate is how many users chat with a chatbot and then leave without talking to a human. It means the chatbot solved their problem. This way, if a user doesn't ask for a human, the chatbot did its job well.

What are the limitations of Containment Rate?

Just because a chatbot deflects a customer, it doesn't mean the issue is solved. It just means a human wasn't involved. This makes Containment Rate a bad way to measure success. It can be misleading, as a customer might leave unhappy without their problem fixed.

What is Flow Success?

Flow Success looks at how many chats give customers the info they need without needing a human. It helps companies see when their chatbots work well. This way, they can make their bots better for customers.

How can companies optimize for Flow Success?

Companies should focus on Flow Success to make the chatbot experience better. They can do this by making the bot easier to use and giving customers the right info. This makes sure the chatbot doesn't frustrate customers.

What other key metrics should companies consider?

Companies should also look at metrics like the bot's role in solving problems on the first try, preventing calls, and making customers happy (CSAT). CSAT looks at solving problems, unlike Containment Rate which just focuses on not escalating issues to humans.

What is Automated Resolution Rate (AR%)?

Automated Resolution Rate (AR%) is a key goal for chatbots. It means a customer talks to a company and gets their issue solved without a human. This is done by using AI to check if the chat was safe, accurate, and relevant.

Why is it important to move beyond traditional metrics like Containment Rate?

With AI improving customer service, it's key to focus on metrics that really show how customers feel and if their issues are solved. Using metrics like Flow Success and Automated Resolution Rate helps companies make their chatbots better. This leads to a better customer experience and uses AI to its fullest in customer service.

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